Sunday, March 20, 2011

Is it weird?

Is it weird that I was reading a book the other day that asked me the question " Who are 5 people in your life that influence you", and I could only think of 3?? I found that shocking! I guess I have never thought about it before. And what is even more strange, I would say that only 2 of those people influence me in a positive way.
This book is really opening up my eyes....and it's only the first chapter. I know you must be wondering what it is. I debating putting this on shout on my blog, opening myself up to ridicule, but then I decided to give the nay-sayers the finger if they want to mock me about it.
So yes, I am 32 and I just bought my first "self-help" book. I wouldn't labeled it that, but the dang bookstores slapped the label on it for me. Either way, I am the first to admit, I could use some self-help. I think I could have said that about myself 10 years ago. I might always be able to say that about myself. Whatever, I own it and I almost feel more empowered by saying it out loud. So here it is.... starting a journey of becoming a better me. So far, this author has made me realize something I never did. I need more inspirational people around me.

1 comment:

  1. so what is the name of the book? I just got done reading "the power of positive thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale, you should give that one a look, it's powerful... And anyone mokcing you for wanting to improve yourself?? really... I was listening to a book on cd that said, you have 3 second friends, 3 minute, 3 hour, and 3 day friends... and we love all our friends but some of the negative nancy's might fit into the 3 minute friends category. I too have been looking at my circle of 5 and to be honest I spend a little time with a lot of people so I don't know who my most influential people are either. it's an interesting thought isn't it. I love that you are looking to live conscientiously and grow. good work love! :)
