Thursday, January 5, 2012

Not much to say except....

I'M STARVING. Survey says? I need to go to the grocery store to get more food. Healthy food. Boo! I hate being hungry and not having anything that qualifies for me to eat.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

"If the past calls, don't answer. It has nothing new to say"

I know not everyone admits it, but the past catches up to them. In one way or the other, you will answer for the past mistakes you have made, or the past situations not answered, or the lack of drive to do things you should have. Well, that day was yesterday for me.
Is it possible for two people to stay passionately in love, forever? I ask because I am surrounded by people that constantly prove me wrong in my quest for it. I'm not saying I'm prefect in this, or that it is even easy. It's just interesting to me to watch people evolve around you. Drew has always said, from the day we were married, that women start off ready to fail. He calls it the "Lifetime Movie" effect. Has a nice ring to it right? Totally true. We grow up watching these movies and looking up the Princesses that have everything end up happily ever after. No wonder our husbands don't stand a chance!:)
I digress. My point of this is - at some point you have to make a call. Wrap up all the mistakes, the hurt, the anger, the unanswered questions, and destroy it. All the past will do is eat you alive. It's toxic, it's dangerous and it will find you. Be ready.
Back to the topic I meant to write about, day 3 of my clean diet. Today was harder than the rest. I was starting to get cocky, and so the universe put it right by showing me how NOT easy this was gonna be. I slipped today and had a Coke. Now, in my defense (and total excuse) my cheat day will be this Friday (date night with the hubby). I cleared it with him that we are not going to pizza or mexican. So, therefore, I will NOT be having soda on that day. So, I had it today. Not 5 minutes into that delicious drink, I had a killer headache. Ugh! By the end, I didn't even remember why I wanted it. What I did remember, is the fudge I have in the fridge downstairs! But, alas my dear friends, I did NOT succumb! Love the small victories! I even made a healthy dinner tonight for my family! ( I won't talk about how 2 hours later I was STARVING and I barely talked myself out of a McDonalds run. I settled for a bowl of Special K. SO not the same thing, or nearly as satisfying, but hey, I will be grateful at 5:30am when I hit the gym). Hoping tomorrow will feel a little better!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 - It has commenced!

Ok, so the clean eating has begun. Yesterday. Thanks right, I am already a day behind:) What is clean eating you ask? I have been asked that by quite a few people, so I should clarify that this is a term I use for myself, and probably improperly:) To me, its no more soda, virtually no sugar or breads, only good carbs, lots and lots of veggies and fruits. I am determined to make the $120 dollars Drew and I spend on Crossfit a month, worth it. Thats right, we spend that much on a Crossfit, but I will tell you what - it has been the best money we have ever spent. It has given us something in common that betters our lives. It also gives us some healthy competition:) Drew finally got the motivation to do it 3 months after I started because I was getting stronger than him! Haha! What husband can live with that? He is quickly catching up and will destroy me soon:)
So on to how this clean eating is going. First, I should have bought stock in Stride gum! I LIVE on it. It is my saving grace for keeping me off my sweets. Immediately after I eat, I stick a piece in. It seems to be doing the trick:) Yesterday, Drew and I both had headaches from the pop withdrawal. Yes that's right, I was finally addicted to the sauce. Its HARD to be off! I LOVE soda. Dang its sweet taste and burn! Oh well, my bones and teeth will thank me right? The food we are eating is pretty boring right now. I am guessing it will start to taste better after we eat it for a while. I have to gag down oatmeal in the morning, which I hate! Leaving behind me my delicious cereal.....*tear* I will miss it so.
We do get one cheat day a week, so I am looking forward to Friday night with my man! It gives me something to look forward to when I am gnawing on my carrots through the week. Bring on The Cheesecake Factory!
So this will be my journey. I am toying with the idea of posting a before and after picture. Really just to hold me accountable. We will see. Crossfit has transformed my body and I feel strong and empowered to stand along side men and hold my own. It's a great feeling:)!
I am going out with a friend tonight. It will be a massive challenge to eat clean, because we are going to none other than THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY! I will be strong:)!!